Chris Evans plays the obsessed Syd who has had his heart ripped out by Jessica Biel's London. She played this role well, a bitchy yet strong and independent woman that has finally had enough with her relationship down falls. So she decides to move to Los Angeles. Syd decides to crash her going away party with Statham in tow. Throughout the movie, the audience plays witness to flash backs to the couple's goods times and the bad times of a doomed relationship. When the two finally meet in present time, excitement gets to be too much and the past comes into the present. Fist fights, sex and cocaine play the major roles in this love/hate tale of what's next for the broken hearted.
Chris Evans shows a side of him that I've never seen. He is heartbroken and a drug addict. He can't help but hate the girl for tearing his heart out, and for still having a hold on him so tight that he doesn't function properly. He has been driven to drug abuse and self loathing. He plays it increditably well.
Jessica Biel didn't do such a terrible job in this movie, and it probably had a little something to with the fact that she really wasn't on screen that much.
Mostly my only complaint with Director Hunter Richards was that Jason Statham didn't beat enough people up. And when he finally starting throwing punches and screaming, I blinked and it was over.
I definitely recommend this movie. It was funny at the most outrageous times and sad in other spots.
4 our of 5 STARS
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