Lucy (Thora Birch) and David (Marc Blucas) are the young married couple that lived in the house before Alice's visit. Lucy is obviously mentally and physically abused by her husband David. Alice soon finds herself enthralled in what happened to this couple.
I, personally, didn't enjoy this movie. Whoever was in charge of continuity should never work in film again. The special effects weren't fantastic, but acceptable for a low budget film. I think Thora Birch's acting has gotten tremendously more terrible since American Beauty. By the end of the movie, I thought I got it. Then, right before the credits...I realized that I was lost and so was the writer. I don't think that he knew what he wanted the movie to be.
Brittany Murphy was a good actress, not amazing talented but good. I had high hopes for this film because I have recently seen The Dead Girl and it was really good, even though she wasn't in it much. I don't know much about Marc Blucas, but he seems like an alright actor. He's done bigger things since this movie. A crazy abusive husband he can play well.
Don't waste your time if you're critical about movies, but if you don't notice obvious inconsistencies, than go for it.
2 out of 5 STARS
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