Rudd is up for a promotion at his job and is invited byt he head honcho to a party of sorts. The only have to invite and idiot and the biggest idiot wins, resulting in a promotion. He literally runs into Carell's character and soon realizes that he could possibly win this competition. This accidental meeting of these two brings about some funny and unfortunate mishaps.
Zach Galifianakis plays Carell's boss that is also invited to the dinner and hold some pretty stiff competition for him. Stephanie Szostak plays Rudd's unlucky girlfriend and a hot one at that.
The thing I love most about this movie is that it's not just about the dinner. yes, the dinner is the climax of the film but you really get a back ground story of the characters. It's not just the movie and that's all. You actually feel kind of bad for Carell at parts. But you also understand Rudd and why he does what he does. But it wasn't the funniest thing I've seen. There were funny parts but not all through out the movie.
3 out of 5 STARS